вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Still need my rest. My sister stayed with me at the office last night till 930 before she could take a bus ride to baguio.

by the way joined the FACEBOOOK� website and havent stopped since.... Got to chat� and add up high school friends as well as got to be able to leave messages and touch base with cousins from australia, my sister in UK and friends from the old neighborhood in san juan. Addicting this is hahahaha.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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No wanna do annotated bibiliographyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Stupid fucking waste of time.

Iapos;ve got my seven secondary sources. Two are ones I used for the paper my thesis is expanding on, so those two will be combined into one "annotation," since theyapos;re the same topic. I printed out the five other sources (articles from JSTOR) and highlighted three of the five, hitting the important points. At some point tonight, Iapos;ll do the other two. Then Iapos;m going to bring them to Livingston with me tomorrow and write up the entries in my thesis seminar notebook. I can type them up formally when I get back here.

I really dislike this assignment. This is something that should be one of the LAST things you do if you need to do an annotated at all. UGH.

But on a better note, I love the image of Veronica in my mood icon. Ha

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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The dream team is so dreamy.

A little too dreamy maybe

Following last weekend (Reading Days), we have all become even more close within our already close group.� Its gotten to the extent that weapos;re only happening upon each other at rather unplanned moments and then they have some odd feel about them...

Is our intimacy driving each other apart?

Will the dream team fall to love?

Is that even possible that love is so never over that people can actually experience and ending of love?

its probably simply because its past midnight and I have a headache and Michelle is sick and neither of us has seen hide nor hair of both tom and kell in the past 5 hours.


Thankfully sleep helps all things.
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Today me and derrick woke up and had absolutely NOTHING to do. So we went to winston and ate a $60 lunch from whole foods and went to the mall and got him this jacket heapos;d been eying and and some warm plaid shirts. I got a three pack of black tights for under $5... Which was AMAZING and other cute things. Blah blah.

he got the mogwai dvd and i got amelie... Heapos;s never seen it. Came back and went to earth fare and then came home just so we could wait for his clothes to dry so we could go to the gym... That was like 2 hours ago... His clothes are done but heapos;s in one of his little music modes which is fine cause i could catch up with all the staysassy gossip but iapos;m starting to get tired and think iapos;m going to start amelie without him cause iapos;m getting tiredddddd.

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Ribut. Bukan ribut petir. Cuaca hari ini tenang sahaja. Setenang cecair pewangi aku yang kini cetek (omaigat tinggal satu per empat botol sahaja).

Sebenarnya apa yang aku maksudkan ialah reboot (berasal dari perkataan Inggeris).

Contoh penggunaan: "Aku nak reboot komputer lah Dah lembab sangat ni"
Maksudnya: Memulakan semula komputer.

Dalam konteks entri ini:
Aku mahu 'ribut' mood tenang selepas keadaan agak kucar-kacir dua tiga hari ini.

I've had too much jumbled up words and thoughts in my mind, been so very tired and exhausted -- sometimes I felt like wanting to trip my own legs, purposely let myself fall on the floor and went unconscious (hopefully only for a few hours).

It might sound weird but.. Oh well, at least it's a million times better than committing suicide, isn't it?

Oke. Sebenarnya tak adalah kucar-kacir sangat. Mungkin aku yang terlalu ekzajeret situasi. Tapi memang betul lah, kepala agak serabut sebenarnya. Terlalu banyak benda yang ingin diperkatakan tetapi tiada prioriti yang mana satu dahulu perlu diperkatakan.

Walaupun begitu, tidak bermaksud hidup aku kebelakangan ini tidak gembira, tidak ceria. Aku sedang ceria sebenarnya ni, dan selalunya ceria. Hanya otak saja yang bergerak terlalu pantas hingga tidak dapat dikejar apatah lagi dipintas.


Tempoh hari aku _____(kata kerja) bersama _____(kata nama) ke _____(nama tempat) untuk _____ _____(kata kerja dan objek) bersama. Kemudian, kami _____(kata kerja) di _____(nama tempat) sambil _____(kata kerja) dan melayan _____(objek). Kami juga _____(kata kerja) di situ. Namun, kami tidak _____(kata kerja) terlalu lama kerana _____(kata nama) perlu bergegas ke _____(nama tempat). Tetapi kami gembira walaupun _____(isikan apa saja untuk markah bonus).

Arahan: Sila isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang sesuai.

Amacam? Ada rupa seperti ayat buku latihan Bahasa Melayu ketika di sekolah rendah tak? Itu sebenarnya kesah tentang apa yang berlaku beberapa hari lalu, dan aku (dan dia) memutuskan untuk merahsiakan situasi itu. Tapi boleh pulak aku cerita kat sini, kan? Sebab itulah aku jadikan kesah itu sebagai latihan buku teks sekolah rendah.

Harap-harap apa yang ditulis di atas tidak terlalu obvius (obvious) lah.
(aku agak lepas ini mesti ada beberapa orang yang akan bertanya, hehe).


Dah. Tiba-tiba aku mengantuk. Tetapi cahaya matahari sedang mencurah-curah masuk menerusi tingkap. Tolonglah Sesiapa pun, ajaklah aku melakukan sesuatu yang produktif dan berfaedah (takkan lah aku nak tidur je waktu hujung minggu).

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Hab heute einen Flug nach Marrakesch gebucht :-) Im M�rz fahre ich mit 2 Jongleuren dahin und wir wollen versuchen, Feuer spielend unseren Aufenthalt dort zu finanzieren. Mal sehen, ob das klappt. Ich freu mich schon so darauf *juhuu*

Today I booked a flight to Marrakesh :-) Next March, I fly there with 2 juggling friends and we wanna try to finance our trip by fire playing. Letapos;s see what happens. Iapos;m sooo excited *yahooo*

Aujourdapos;hui je reservais un vol � Marrakesh :-) Prochain Mars je volerai l�-bas avec deux amis de la communaut� des jongleurs et nous voulons financer notre d�fonce en jouer au feu. Alors, on va voir. Je me r�jouis de ca *yahooo*

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i held my hand to his chest.� his wife stood there shocked. They did not know what was going�on.�She could not move.�one of her hands reached out toward her husband,�trying to do something to help him. But there was nothing she could do.�
i could hear his heartbeet. The slow, dead heart greeted us with a low thud.�Bella took a step back.
"Stop" she shrieked. I ignored her and pressed my hand firmer onto Edwardapos;s skin.�I was surprised she had not attacked me.
Edward took small breaths. Breathing was one thing that was necassary if I brought your heart back to life. His skin became softer than the granite that was there before. There was more pink in his stunned face.� He�did not need to be afraid however; the�I�gave him was temporary. His strenght was still there but he was�more exposed to being harmed. The less experienced�vampires�of fighters could defeat him easily.�He�stood as shocked as his wife, his�knees bent�slightly, but still�keeping his frame. His pale face began to show with color, though no blood pulsed through his vains.� Only his heart beat one more time.�I smiled and removed my hand.
Edwardapos;s heart stopped again.� He�flinched when no life was in his body. He stared at the floor holding his breath.
No one spoke.
Edward still stared at the floor.� He slowly looked up to meet Bellaapos;s eyes.� His golden eyes were full of hurt and exhaustion. I felt the smallest amount of guilt.� He then turned unwillingly to look at me.�From the look he gave me, I�knew he wanted to hurt me.� And I was sure his wife felt the same way.� She rushed to his side, but he put his hand out to signal that he was alright.
They both stared at me for the longest time.
After the�minutes passed, Edward spoke, "How ... How did you do that?"
I�smiled and shrugged, "Old habbit."
"It is more than a habbit."�he said, "It is a gift." He smiled the slightest bit. I had never seen anyone react this way.�Had Edward enjoyed that? The very few I�had practiced my apos;giftapos; on had ran in fear once i took their gave, then took away their life in a matter of minutes.
When I did not answer, Bella took over the silence to speak her mind.
She fumed, "This.. gift"�she cringed at the word. "Is to be taken seriously.� How can you just decide to attack my husband after all this time we had trusted you?" she said sternly.
"I would never consider my talent to be a gift."�I retorted. "It was something that I was bestowed apon when I�entered the life as a vampire. No one in the world has the same talent as I do. And just so you understand, your husband is only the fourth person I�have used it on." I�paused and took it up a tempo, "This talent was always taken seriously. In knowing you for so long I had hoped you would understand.� I had always trusted your family, your coven.� Over time I had hoped you would trust me, love me, accept me"
We walked into the glass room.
Bella put her hand on my shoulder and sighed, "We will always love you, Ali. You will always be a part of our family," she paused, "But I have a hard time trusting you after making my husband a mortal - even if i was for only a few seconds
"Dear ali, please.� I need to understand this.. Talent. Explain it to me and Edward."
I smiled and said, "If you wish."

And I began my story.

"I did not always have this.. apos;giftapos;." I snickered then became serious.�"I became a vampire at age 19 and have remained the same for over three hundred years.� My new imortal life began the day an imortal male changed me.� I was in Europe, traveling, naturally.� I met this man and fell in love with him.� His beauty was indescribable.�He was more beautiful than the most precious of diamonds.� His face looked as though it was painted by MichelAngelo.
"I had the faintest feeling that he loved me back." I smiled and looked at my feet.
Edward and Bella sat down in one of the white loveseats.� I continued, eager to share with them the rest of my luckless romance.
"He said that he loved me, though I�was never sure.� Our affair did not last.� I told him one cloudy night that I had to leave, to go back to America.� He begged me not to go.� He said he would never let me.

to be continued...

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Itapos;s so damn hard to cut people out of your life, even though you know theyapos;re not good for you. Especially if you know they have the potential to be amazing, if you know that underneath their treatment of you, theyapos;re a wonderful person.� If I treat you with as much kindness and courtesy as I can muster even though you test all my boundaries and refuse to give me any solidarity, I�think I deserve recognition for my patience. Most of the time, I want to scream with impatience. I have to hide every negative emotion, because if I get upset, Iapos;m being a stupid, overemotional little girl, arenapos;t I?�Iapos;m being oh so needy when you hurt my feelings by blowing me off, even though I am probably the least needy person you will ever find. I make no demands from you. I accept all your excuses and never question you. I do it all with a smile, when sometimes, I want to slap you for always making me feel as though Iapos;m your lowest priority. You treat everyone else so well, but not me, and the longer I spend time with you, the more I see the disparity. Itapos;s getting to be too much. There have been so many disappointments, so many little things and you NEVER notice when you say something hurtful to me. But you do. Often. If I tell you, then Iapos;m just imagining things. So, I�donapos;t let you know because you tell me Iapos;m overreacting when I lose my ability to smile. What type of friendship is that?�That you expect me to support you, but you canapos;t give me the freedom to rest my face for a bit and express a little unhappiness? For every kind thing you do for me, you do 5 other things to disappoint me. I hold on, in hopes that some day, you will make up for them. But thatapos;s not a good enough reason to hide all my sadness, to have to make excuses, and swallow my disappointment with glasses of wine and sad movies. Itapos;s not healthy. You arenapos;t healthy for me, and, like potato chips, I must add you to my list of things to avoid. Youapos;ve had too many chances, and you still canapos;t be a good friend. So goodbye. You wonapos;t notice Iapos;m gone until itapos;s too late and itapos;s impossible to find me. Maybe youapos;ll realize what you took for granted. But probably not. I refuse to get my hopes up one more time when it comes to you.

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Probably selling my Gibson SG Faded soon.

2002 (I think)
Ebony Fretboard with Crescent Moon Inlays
490P/490T pickups
Faded brown

Gigged once, almost mint condition (I think a little paint rubbed
off the top of the headstock)

Will provide pictures and so on if anyone is interested.
Otherwise I will craigslist or eBay it

Paid about $577 I think. Looking for $400 firm. Will include gig bag.

It is somewhat rare since they only did the Ebony/Crescent moon fretboard
for a year or so.

I will put up some picures when I get home.

Guitar plays very nice. I am just upgrading to an Ibanez
Metal Guitar since I really need a whammy for most of what
I play.
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